02. The basic level of employee engagement.


It’s not enough to measure employee engagement with a simple.

                                                                                                                           (Donnelly, n.d.)    

Dedicated employees are the cornerstone of a highly efficient operation. However, it should not be equated with employee satisfaction or employee engagement with satisfaction. There may be "satisfied" employees who stick to a typical 9-to-5 schedule but are completely disengaged from their jobs. Where your workforce is on the employee engagement spectrum is influenced by a variety of factors, including their onboarding experience, leadership, impact on organizational results, and relationships with customers. (Donnelly, n d.).

According to Donnelly, (n d), There are four levels to evaluate your teams, each with indicators that you are promoting a talented workforce that aligns with your mission, values, and organization.

01.Affirmation: At the very least, your employees generally agree with the mission and vision. They maintain a positive attitude, respect expectations, and focus on their tasks. However, there is still room to unlock their full potential.

02.Proficiency: Most of your employees demonstrate the ability to perform their roles effectively and confidently. While this is commendable, achieving true alignment requires more focus on fostering "bonding" to inspire and motivate your teams.

03.Impact: This means active participation, where your employees' efforts lead to tangible changes in behavior and their contribution to moving the organization forward is acknowledged. At this stage, you will have cultivation workers driven by purpose, commitment, and competence.

04.Value (return on investment): At a high level, employees view their role in the organization as worth their time, effort, and emotional investment. If the organization also values the employee, you will successfully cultivate a high-performing team that is easy to lead, inspires others, and fundamentally understands the goals of the organization.

According to Álvaro Pérez-Segnini's (2022) perspective, he suggests that to ensure high employee engagement and motivation, it is crucial to consider three distinct levels of employee engagement. This framework serves the purpose of providing a comprehensive understanding of the commitment and dedication exhibited by employees. These levels include active engagement, passive engagement, and active disengagement.



01. Donnelly, M. (n d.). The Basic Levels of Employee Engagement: Where Do Your Employees Fall? [online] www.donnellyeffect.com. Available at: https://www.donnellyeffect.com/sparks-blog/the-basic-levels-of-employee-engagement [Accessed 7 Nov. 2023].


02. Pérez-Segnini, Á. (2022). What are 3 levels of employee engagement? | Surf Office. [online] www.surfoffice.com. Available at: https://www.surfoffice.com/blog/levels-employee-engagement [Accessed 7 Nov. 2023].


  1. Hi Friend.
    This article provides a valuable framework for understanding and evaluating employee engagement levels within an organization. It effectively highlights the distinction between dedicated employees and genuinely engaged employees, emphasizing the importance of fostering a culture that motivates and inspires individuals to contribute their full potential. The article's breakdown of engagement levels, from affirmation to value, offers valuable insights for leaders seeking to cultivate a high-performing workforce.

    1. Hi Sudarsha.
      This article provides a comprehensive framework for assessing employee engagement in your organization and highlights the critical difference between employees who simply give their time and employees who are truly engaged, I guess. This highlights the importance of fostering a work culture that not only encourages commitment, but encourages individuals to reach their full potential. By categorizing levels of engagement from simple affirmations to deep values, this article provides valuable guidance for leaders seeking to continuously develop high-performing employees.

  2. Hi
    The statement highlights the complexity of measuring employee engagement beyond simple metrics like satisfaction. It emphasizes the distinction between engagement and satisfaction, noting that a content employee might not necessarily be engaged. The multi-faceted nature of engagement, influenced by onboarding, leadership, impact, and relationships, aligns with the idea that engagement spans various levels and isn't a one-size-fits-all concept. Pérez-Segnini's framework further underscores the nuanced levels of engagement, recognizing active, passive, and active disengagement as crucial distinctions for understanding employee commitment.

    And I would like to know what specific strategies or methods have you found effective in measuring and enhancing employee engagement within your organization?


    1. Certainly! In assessing and elevating employee engagement at a fundamental level, I've implemented regular feedback mechanisms, such as surveys and one-on-one discussions. Additionally, creating a positive work culture through recognition programs and skill development initiatives has proven effective. These strategies not only gauge engagement but also contribute to its enhancement within the organization.

  3. Dear Vidura, This article, designed with philosophical underpinnings, suggests that measuring employee engagement goes beyond satisfaction. While Donnelly's four levels assess alignment with the mission, Pérez-Segnini aptly points out how active engagement, passive engagement, and active disengagement add depth to a holistic approach.

    1. Your thoughtful comment provides valuable insights into the nuanced perspective on measuring employee engagement. Acknowledging the article's philosophical underpinnings and the multifaceted approach to engagement enhances the understanding of this crucial concept.

  4. Certainly it is amazing that the employee engagement is such lower than 10% according to the article by Zeo Wickens on By Zoe Wickens 20th June 2023 to employeebenefits.co.uk

    1. It is indeed surprising and concerning that employee engagement is reported to be lower than 10%. Factors contributing to this low engagement may include ineffective communication, lack of recognition, and insufficient work-life balance.

  5. Dear Vidura, this is a great article This article offers insightful information about the complexities of employee engagement that goes beyond crude metrics. It correctly highlights the importance of elements such as validation, competence, significance, and worth in real involvement. The incorporation of Álvaro Pérez-Segnini's viewpoint highlights the significance of taking various degrees of participation into account and gives depth. Building a highly effective and motivated staff requires a holistic approach to comprehending and encouraging employee commitment.


    1. This article goes beyond metrics, delving into the nuanced layers of employee engagement. Recognizing elements like validation, competence, significance, and worth adds depth. Álvaro Pérez-Segnini's perspective underscores the importance of a holistic approach for building an effective and motivated staff.


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