01. What is the employee engagement?


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Smith, 2022)


 What Is Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement represents a vital HR concept that characterizes the degree of passion and devotion an employee exhibits toward their job. Committed employees demonstrate a genuine concern for their tasks and the overall success of the organization, firmly believing that their contributions hold significant value. These individuals are driven by more than just financial remuneration, often perceiving their personal well-being as intricately linked to their performance, thus directly impacting the company's prosperity. (Smith, 2022)

 According to David MacLeod (2021), fostering employee engagement relies on fostering trust, upholding integrity, fostering mutual dedication, and promoting effective communication between the organization and its workforce. This proactive strategy significantly heightens the probability of achieving business triumphs, bolstering both the individual and the company's performance, productivity, and overall welfare. Moreover, the level of engagement is quantifiable, exhibiting a spectrum ranging from subpar to exceptional. It remains susceptible to enhancement through deliberate nurturing strategies but is also vulnerable to decline and potential neglect.


Key Takeaways.

Employee engagement refers to the degree of passion and commitment an employee demonstrates towards their work.

It holds significant importance for a company's achievements, considering its associations with job contentment and staff motivation.

Actively involved employees tend to exhibit greater productivity and enhanced performance.                                                                                                             

                                                                                                                                         (Smith, 2022).



1. Smith, T. (2022). Employee Engagement. [online] Investopedia. Available at: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/employee-engagement.asp [Accessed 7 Nov. 2023].

2. David Macleod (2021). What is Employee Engagement? [online] Engageforsuccess.org. Available at: https://engageforsuccess.org/what-is-employee-engagement/ [Accessed 7 Nov. 2023].             



  1. This blog feels me that employee engagement 90% based on employees positive attitude on their job & on the company

    1. Indeed, your assessment is spot-on. Employee satisfaction with their work and the organization has a big impact on employee engagement. Fostering the optimistic outlook required for high levels of involvement involves encouraging open communication, establishing a favorable work atmosphere, and acknowledging accomplishments.

  2. I partially agree with you, but employee engagement depends on much more than behavior. Research by Schneider et al. (2016) highlights the influence of organizational culture, while Herzberg’s (2019) dual theory emphasizes knowledge and development.

  3. Hi Vidura, I am totally agreed with your statement, And employee engagement is a crucial aspect of organizational success. It's not just about employees showing up for work but about their passion and dedication to their roles. Engaged employees understand the value of their contributions and are motivated by more than just financial rewards. Building trust, maintaining integrity, fostering mutual dedication, and effective communication are key in promoting engagement. It's a spectrum that can be quantified, with room for improvement, but it's also susceptible to decline if not nurtured. Ultimately, engaged employees lead to greater productivity and better overall performance, benefiting both individuals and the organization.

    1. Absolutely, your insight resonates strongly. Employee engagement is the heartbeat of organizational prosperity. It transcends mere attendance, embodying passion and dedication. The intrinsic motivation, driven by trust, integrity, mutual dedication, and clear communication, empowers employees. This engagement spectrum, quantifiable yet delicate, demands continuous nurturing. Engaged employees propel productivity and performance, fostering mutual growth.

  4. Hello Vidura. The article effectively highlights the importance of employee engagement and its impact on individual and organizational success. It emphasizes the role of trust, integrity, mutual commitment and effective communication in driving engagement, leading to improved performance, productivity and overall well-being . The article also recognizes that engagement is measurable and can be increased or decreased through conscious strategies

    1. Yes Mr. Sudarsha. In the realm of HR, the article underscores the pivotal role of employee engagement in fostering individual and organizational triumph. Trust, integrity, commitment, and clear communication are the linchpins, propelling engagement, enhancing performance, productivity, and well-being. HR practitioners grasp the significance of measurable engagement, employing deliberate strategies to bolster it, thereby nurturing a thriving workforce.

  5. The concept of employee engagement is indeed fundamental to the success of any organization. When employees are truly engaged, they become more than just workers; they become dedicated contributors who invest their passion and commitment into their roles. This sense of purpose and connection to the organization's goals can lead to improved performance, higher job satisfaction, and increased productivity.

    1. Yes truth Mr.Dinesh. Employee engagement is the cornerstone of HR success. Engaged employees go beyond mere job roles; they passionately contribute to the organization's goals. This dedication enhances performance, job satisfaction, and productivity. In HR, nurturing this engagement through effective communication, development opportunities, and recognition programs is vital for fostering a thriving and motivated workforce.


  6. According to Statement of the Global Workplace (2023) most of the employees weren't actively enggaged in their work. The ratio of actively participation reached recorded high of 23%
    What is meant by this 77% of the work force weren't actively engaed or not.

    "What can leaders do today to potentially save the world? Gallup has found one clear answer:
    Change the way your people are managed."


    1. Yes Mr. Channa. Leaders must heed this device to catalyze positive change and drive global impact. That's why we need to follow employee engagement methods.

  7. Employee engagement refers to the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the organization, and put discretionary effort into their work. Engaged employees are more likely to be productive, innovative, and dedicated to the success of their organization. Here are some key factors and strategies related to employee engagement:
    Communication, Recognition and Rewards, Professional Development, Work-Life Balance and
    Employee Well-being etc.

    1. You explain employee involvement clearly in your comment and point out important tactics and elements. It is approachable with concise descriptions of passion, dedication, and voluntary work. The reader's comprehension is improved by including particulars like work-life balance, communication, and acknowledgment, which results in a thorough summary of the dynamics of employee engagement.

  8. Dear Vidura, The article provides a comprehensive overview of employee engagement, emphasizing its importance for organizational success. It integrates key concepts and cites relevant sources, contributing to a well-rounded understanding of the topic.

    1. Hi Mayumi, This comment reflects a positive evaluation of the article on employee engagement theory and It acknowledges the comprehensive overview, underscores the significance of employee engagement for organizational success.

  9. Hi Vidura,
    Personalized well-being programs, flexible work schedules, and technology-driven platforms for ongoing feedback are some of the new worldwide trends in employee engagement. Beyond conventional tactics, these ideas acknowledge the holistic aspect of involvement, in today's fast-paced workplace, adopting these modern strategies guarantees long-term success in addition to improving individual and organizational performance.

    1. Absolutely, the shift towards personalized well-being programs, flexible schedules, and technology-driven feedback aligns with contemporary global trends in employee engagement. These approaches recognize the holistic nature of engagement, fostering sustained success in today's dynamic workplace.

  10. Dear Vidura,
    I appreciate how your article summarizes the key takeaways about employee engagement concisely. It effectively communicates the fundamental aspects and implications of engagement, emphasizing its profound impact on job satisfaction, motivation, and overall organizational success. This succinct summary serves as a great reference point for understanding the essence of engagement.


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